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. 2014 Jan 31;2014(1):CD008265. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008265.pub2

Erdmann 1994.

Methods Single centre RCT (a cadaveric study and a pilot study preceded)
Participants 71 participants with 105 hands were recruited (53 ECTR, 52 OCTR)
ECTR group: mean age 52.7 years, male:female ratio 1:3.7
OCTR group: mean age 54.1 years, male:female ratio 1:2
The participants were divided into 2 main groups. Group A comprised 25 participants (50 hands) with
 bilateral symptoms who underwent simultaneous surgery, with the dominant hand randomised to one technique, and the other hand undergoing the alternative procedure. Group B comprised 46 participants (55 hands) with unilateral symptoms who were randomised per hand exclusively to either ECTR or OCTR
Interventions 2‐portal ECTR (extrabursal) vs OCTR
Outcomes Follow‐up at 1 and 2 weeks, 1, 3 and 6 months and 1 year
Grip and pinch strength, and carpal tunnel pain
Time to relief of symptoms and return to work or activities of daily living
 Electroneurophysiological tests at 3 months
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk Information given not adequate. "Randomization was performed using a sealed envelope system"
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Information given not adequate. "Randomization was performed using a sealed envelope system". (For group A participants (bilateral symptoms), no allocation concealment was evident for the contralateral hand)
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) 
 All outcomes High risk No information given. Participants and personnel could not be blinded
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 All outcomes High risk No information given. Participants and personnel could not be blinded
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Unclear risk No information given regarding any missing data
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Unclear risk Only diagrams were used. No absolute numbers were given and no SDs. However, the authors gave information regarding the statistical significance of the comparisons
Other bias High risk The dominant hand was operated via ECTR in 67% of participants and via OCTR in 41%
No information given regarding conflicts of interest or industry support