Relative uncertainty in tuberculosis incidence estimates and male-to-female ratios of empirical tuberculosis prevalence:notification ratios. (A) Relative uncertainty* in 2019 tuberculosis incidence estimates from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) vs the World Health Organization (WHO). (B) Male-to-female ratio of empirical tuberculosis prevalence:notification ratio vs male-to-female ratio of IHME estimated prevalence:incidence ratio. †The red lines show equality. *Defined as the uncertainty range divided by the midpoint estimate. †A ratio of <1 suggests that females have a higher prevalence:notification or prevalence:incidence ratio, whereas a ratio of >1 suggests that males have a higher ratio. AGO, Angola; BGD, Bangladesh; BRA, Brazil; KHM, Cambodia; CAF, Central African Republic; CHN, China; COG, Congo; PRK, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea; COD, Democratic Republic of the Congo; ETH, Ethiopia; IND, India; IDN, Indonesia; KEN, Kenya; LSO, Lesotho; LBR, Liberia; MOZ, Mozambique; MMR, Myanmar; NAM, Namibia; NGA, Nigeria; PAK, Pakistan; PNG, Papua New Guinea; PHL, Philippines; RUS, Russian Federation; SLE, Sierra Leone; ZAF, South Africa; THA, Thailand; TZA, United Republic of Tanzania; VNM, Viet Nam; ZMB, Zambia; ZWE, Zimbabwe