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. 2023 Oct 31;4(4):102674. doi: 10.1016/j.xpro.2023.102674

Mouse anti-human CD24-APC, clone 32D12 (1:25 dilution) Miltenyi Cat#130-095-954; RRID: AB_10829613
Mouse anti-human CD90-FITC, clone 5E10 (1:50 dilution) BioLegend Cat#328108; RRID: AB_893429
Mouse anti-human CXCR4-APC/Cy7, clone 12G5 (1:50 dilution) BioLegend Cat#306528; RRID: AB_2565994
Mouse anti-human EGFR-PE-Cy7, clone AY13 (1:50 dilution) BioLegend Cat#352910; RRID: AB_2562159
Mouse anti-human PDGFRA-biotin, clone 16A1 (1:50 dilution) BioLegend Cat#323504; RRID: AB_2162487
Mouse anti-human CD31-PE, clone WM59 (1:50 dilution) BD Biosciences Cat#563652; RRID: AB_2738349
Mouse anti-human CD34-PE, clone 581 (1:50 dilution) BD Biosciences Cat#562383; RRID: AB_11154586
Mouse anti-human CD45-PE, clone HI30 (1:50 dilution) BioLegend Cat#304010; RRID: AB_314398
Mouse anti-human CD105-PE, clone 266 (1:50 dilution) BD Biosciences Cat#562380; RRID: AB_11154054
Mouse anti-human CD235a-PE, clone HIR2 (1:50 dilution) BioLegend Cat#306606; RRID: AB_314624
BUV395 streptavidin (1:50 dilution) BD Biosciences Cat#564176; RRID: AB_2869553

Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

Liberase Roche Cat#5401119001
DNase I Worthington Biochemical Cat#LS002007
Accutase Innovative Cell Technologies Cat#AT104
Polyvinyl alcohol Sigma Cat#P8136
Poly-L-ornithine hydrobromide Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#P3655
Laminin Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#23017015
HBSS without Ca2+/Mg2+ Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#14175103
HBSS with Ca2+/Mg2+ Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#24020117
X-VIVO 15 media Lonza Cat#04-744Q
DMEM/F12 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#11320082
Hibernate-A medium Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#A1247501
HEPES buffer Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#15630080
N-2 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#17502048
Heparin STEMCELL Technologies Cat#07980
N-acetylcysteine VWR Cat#E-3710
Fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF) Shenandoah Biotechnology Cat#100-146
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) Shenandoah Biotechnology Cat#100-26
Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) Sigma Cat#LIF1010
B27 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#17504044
Paraformaldehyde Electron Microscopy Sciences Cat#15710
Fast green dye Sigma Cat#F7252
Propidium iodide Sigma Cat#P4170
Anti-rat and anti-hamster Ig κ compensation particles BD Biosciences Cat#552845
Anti-mouse Ig κ compensation particles BD Biosciences Cat#552843

Experimental models: Organisms/strains

Mouse: NOD.Cg-Prkdcscid Il2rgtm1Wjl/SzJ (NSG); neonatal The Jackson Laboratory JAX: 005557
Human: human fetal brain tissue; gestational week 16–20 Advanced Bioscience Resources N/A

Software and algorithms

ImageJ NIH
GraphPad Prism 9.0 GraphPad Software
BD FACSDiva BD Biosciences
FlowJo FlowJo LLC
Extreme limiting dilution analysis Hu and Smyth2


Stereotaxic frame Harvard apparatus Cat#75-1808
Neonate adaptor Stoelting Cat#51625
Microsyringe pump World Precision Instruments Cat#UMP3
Syringe (10 μL, model 701 RN) Hamilton Cat#7635
Needle (34 gauge, small hub RN needle, 0.375 in, point style 4 at 12°) Hamilton Cat#207434