Extended Data Fig. 1 |. Additional affective behavior assays after oxycodone withdrawal with or without SNI.
a. No significant difference was observed in the open-field assay (Sham-Sal n = 8, Sham-Oxy n = 9, SNI-Sal n = 8, SNI-Oxy n = 10). b. The time spent in the open arm of the elevated plus maze was significantly increased with oxycodone withdrawal in SNI animals when compared with Sham animals (Sham-Sal n = 9, Sham-Oxy n = 9, SNI-Sal n = 9, SNI-Oxy n = 8; two-way ANOVA interaction F1,31 = 6.299, p = 0.0175; Sidak’s multiple comparisons Oxy SNI vs Sham t = 3.62, df=31, p = 0.0021). c. No significant difference was observed in the nest building assay (Sham-Sal n = 13, Sham-Oxy n = 16, SNI-Sal n = 12, SNI-Oxy n = 14). d. Latency to eat in a novel environment after food deprivation was significantly affected in Sham-Oxy, SNI-Sal, and SNI-Oxy groups as compared with the Sham-Sal controls (Sham-Sal n = 13, Sham-Oxy n = 14, SNI-Sal n = 18, SNI-Oxy n = 15; two-way ANOVA interaction F1,56 = 6.052, p = 0.0170; Sidak’s m.c. SNI-Sal vs Sham-Sal t = 2.963, df=56, p = 0.0089; Sham-Oxy vs Sham-Sal t = 3.249, df=56, p = 0.0039; Tukey’s m.c. SNI-Oxy vs Sham-Sal q = 3.92, df=56, p = 0.0369). e. Total distance traveled during the NSF assay was significantly affected by oxycodone withdrawal in SNI-Oxy and Sham-Oxy (Sham-Sal n = 14, Sham-Oxy n = 13, SNI-Sal n = 12, SNI-Oxy n = 13; two-way ANOVA treatment F1,48 = 20.45, P < 0.001; Sidak’s m.c. Sham-Oxy vs Sham-Sal t = 2.88, df=48, p = 0.0118; SNI-Oxy vs SNI-Sal t = 3.505, df=48, p = 0.002). Values are represented as mean ± SEM *p < 0.05 and ** p < 0.001respectively.