Fig. 4.
IL-10 activated c-Met/STAT3 pathways. A, western blotting of c-Met, p-STAT3 and t-STAT3 in Lewis pre-cultured with TANs, IL-10 NAs (0.1 μg/ml) or not. B, colony formation capability of Lewis pre-cultured with TANs, SH-4–54 (20 nM) or not. C, cell migration of Lewis pre-cultured with TANs, SH-4–54 (20 nM) or not. D, colony formation capability of Lewis pre-cultured with IL-10 (100 ng/ml), SH-4–54 (20 nM) or not. E, cell migration of Lewis pre-cultured with IL-10 (100 ng/ml), SH-4–54 (20 nM) or not. F, immunofluorescence of c-Met-and p-STAT3 in CP3 (left) and CP5 (right) pre-cultured with TANs, IL-10 or not. The scale bar was 50 μm.