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. 2023 Oct 31;102(1):9–21. doi: 10.2471/BLT.22.289129

Table 2. Activities of the Integrated Child Development Services scheme, nutrition messages received, and nutrition practices among study participants in 11 states, India, 2021.

Activity Weighted % (95% CI)a
Scheme activity
Take-home ration received for 21 days or more in the past monthb (n = all 4400 participants) 55.4 (50.5 to 60.1)
Information on nutrition received from an Anganwadi worker during pregnancy (n = all 4400 participants) 62.3 (58.5 to 66.1)
Anganwadi worker visited the home in the past month (n = 1100 pregnant women) 65.5 (60.6 to 70.0)
Ever attended a community-based event (n = all 4400 participants) 41.4 (38.2 to 44.6)
Attended a village health nutrition and sanitation day in the past month (n = all 4400 participants) 45.7 (42.3 to 49.3)
Growth monitoring for child received in the past year (n = 3300 mothers of children aged 0–23 months) 73.7 (70.2 to 76.9)
Application used by Anganwadi workers in the districtc (n = all 4400 participants) 60.6 (57.0 to 64.1)
Messages received about pregnancy nutrition (n = 1100 pregnant women)
Take one iron-folic acid tablet at night after dinner 84.4 (80.6 to 87.5)
Take one iron-folic acid tablet daily for at least 100 days 65.1 (61.4 to 68.6)
Consume green and yellow/orange coloured fruits and vegetables and drink milk daily 93.7 (91.3 to 95.4)
Increase the quantity of food during pregnancy 79.2 (76.0 to 82.0)
Take frequent meals during the day (five to six small meals rather than three) 86.7 (83.4 to 89.4)
Rest for 1 to 2 hours in a day 86.8 (83.9 to 89.3)
Non-vegetarians should include non-vegetarian items in the diet 62.1 (58.1 to 66.0)
Infant and young child nutrition 
Feed colostrum immediately after birth (n = 1100 pregnant women) 62.9 (59.0 to 66.7)
Breastfeed the baby within 1 hour of birth (n = all 4400 participants) 79.6 (76.5 to 82.4)
Exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months of age (n = all 4400 participants) 83.8 (81.1 to 86.1)
Initiate complementary feeding at age 6 months, along with breastfeeding (n = 3300 mothers of children aged 0–23 months) 86.5 (83.2 to 89.2)
From 6–8 months of age, child should be fed two bowls of complementary foods daily (n = 3300 mothers of children aged 0–23 months) 76.4 (73.0 to 79.6)
From 9–11 months of age, child should be fed three bowls of complementary foods daily (n = 3300 mothers of children aged 0–23 months) 66.6 (63.0 to 70.1)
From 12–24 months of age, child should be fed four bowls of complementary foods daily (n = 3300 mothers of children aged 0–23 months) 63.2 (59.1 to 67.0)
Feed the child from a separate bowl (n = 3300 mothers of children aged 0–23 months) 67.1 (63.3 to 70.6)
Play with the child while feeding (n = 3300 mothers of children aged 0–23 months) 74.7 (70.4 to 78.5)
After a child's illness, increase the quantity of food fed (n = 3300 mothers of children aged 0–23 months) 66.8 (63.1 to 70.4)
Wash hands before preparing food and feeding the baby (n = 3300 mothers of children aged 0–23 months) 87.9 (84.3 to 90.8)
Consumed iron-folic acid tablets for 100 or more days during pregnancy (n = 3300 mothers of children aged 0–23 months) 57.6 (54.3 to 60.9)
Achieved the minimum dietary diversity for pregnant women (≥ five food groups; (n = 1100 pregnant women) 67.4 (63.0 to 71.6)
Breastfeeding initiated in the first hour of life (n = 3300 mothers of children aged 0–23 months) 67.4 (64.5 to 70.2)
Child exclusively breastfed in the first 6 months of life (n = 1100 children) 81.0 (76.6 to 84.7)
Receiving solid or semi-solid food and breast milk (n = 517 children aged 6–8 months) 61.2 (55.5 to 66.6)
Minimum dietary diversity (n = 2200 children aged 6–23 months) 35.6 (31.8 to 39.6)
Minimum meal frequency (n = 2200 children aged 6–23 months) 60.7 (56.1 to 65.1)
Minimum acceptable diet (n = 2200 children aged 6–23 months) 26.3 (23.0 to 30.0)
Increase food quantity or breastfeeding following illness (n = 3300 mothers of children aged 0–23 months) 41.5 (37.8 to 45.3)

CI: confidence interval.

a Proportion is survey weighted and confidence intervals are adjusted for clustered sampling design.

b Missing data for the number of days of take-home rations for nine pregnant women, 39 women with children ages 0–5 months, and 51 women with children ages 6–23 months.

c Refers to common application software of the integrated child development activities.