Conservation |
Suboptimal Prediction |
Local Interaction Length |
LncRRIsearch (lncRNA–lncRNA and lncRNA–mRNA) [258] |
Longest mRNA and lncRNA transcript sequences excluding excluded transcripts in the pseudoautosomal region on the Y-chromosome |
Prediction of the RRIs (seed-and-extension approach), accessible energy and hybridization energy
Expression analysis for tissue-specific RRIs
Prediction of the subcellular localised RRIs
RIblast program for comprehensive RIP
Human, animal |
T |
RIblast (sRNA and lncRNA TINCR) [141] |
A query RNA and a target RNA |
Prediction of the intermolecular base pair only
Prediction of the sRNA target
Prediction of the lncRNA TINCR target
All species |
T |
TargetRNA2 (sRNA-mRNA) [142] |
Sequence of an sRNA in FASTA format and the name of a sequenced bacterial replicon |
Identification of message targets of sRNA regulation, including sRNA conservation regions, structural accessibility of regions of sRNA and mRNA, and hybridization energy between the two RNAs
Bacteria |
T |
RNAstructure (including ProbKnot, OligoWalk, bipartition, bifold, DuplexFold, Dynalign, Multilign, PARTS, TurboFold, etc.) (RNA–RNA) [259] |
Accept MSA as input, the name of a sequence file (SEQ, FASTA) or structure file (CT, DBN) containing the input sequence |
Constrained/Restrained structure prediction based on chemical mapping, enzymatic mapping, NMR, and SHAPE data
Prediction of the accessible regions in an RNA target to oligonucleotide hybridization
Calculation of thermodynamic features of sense–antisense hybridization
Summary of tools:
ProbKnot: Prediction of base-pairing probabilities, bimolecular structures with and without intramolecular structure
OligoWalk: Equilibrium binding affinity of an oligonucleotide to a structured RNA target
Bipartition: Partition function calculation for two interacting NA sequences without intramolecular pairs
Bifold: Prediction of lowest free energy structure for two interacting sequences with or without intramolecular base pairs (DuplexFold)
TurboFold: Calculation of conserved structures of more than 3 unaligned sequences using iteratively refined partition functions
Dynalign, Multilign: Prediction of secondary structures common to two, unaligned sequences
PARTS: Prediction of the common secondary structure, including base pair probabilities, for two unaligned sequences
All species |
T |
Conservation |
Suboptimal Prediction |
Local Interaction Length |
OligoWalk (siRNA-mRNA) [137] |
Only RNA oligomer is allowed, and 19 bases are recommended for siRNA design |
Generation of a siRNA candidate table ranked by the probability of being efficient at knock-down.
Prefilter score: The score calculated using Reynold et al. method [260]
Generation of a thermodynamic table which includes:
Net free energy change
Free energy change of hybridised duplex between oligomer and target
Melting temperature
Free energy cost for opening base pairs in the region of complementarity to the target
Free energy change of the self-structure of unimolecular oligo
Free energy change of oligo-oligo dimer
The number of suboptimal structures of the target used before and after the binding of oligomer
Free energy difference between the 5′ and 3′ end of the antisense strand of siRNA, with windows of 2
All species |
T |
RNAplex-aA and RNAplex-cA (RNA–RNA) [128] |
At least 1 FASTA file containing target and query RNA sequences or 2 CLUSTAL files as input |
Computation of optimal and suboptimal structure (one structure per line)
Conservation profile, consensus structure, and interactions with one, two and three types of base pairs
Types of RNAplex:
Virus, animal |
T |
No Conservation |
RNAplex-a and RNAplex-c (RNA–RNA) [128] |
RIsearch2 (RIsearch and GUUGle) (RNA–RNA) [140] |
The first large-scale RIP tool using a seed-and-extend framework based on suffix arrays with a focus on perfect-complementary seed regions and extensions on both ends, applicable to all kinds of interaction predictions, and can be accessed via the conda package manager
RNA sequences in FASTA format |
Quick localization of potential near-complementary interactions between given query and target sequences
A modified Smith–Waterman-Gotoh algorithm based on di-nucleotides to approximate nearest-neighbour energy parameters
Discovery of RRIs on genome/transcriptome-wide scale
Parallel suffix array matching and seed extension
Prediction of siRNA off-targets, including:
Putative siRNA–RNA interactions
Intersection with transcriptomic data
Partition function
Accessibility of binding sites
Evaluation of siRNA off-target predictions and potential measurements
Relationship between inhibition efficiency and off-targeting potential of siRNAs
Validation of off-targeting potential measures
Multiple species |
T |
No Conservation |
Suboptimal Prediction |
Local Interaction Length |
IntaRNA 2.0 (ncRNA-ncRNA) [134] |
An upgraded version of IntaRNA, offers enhanced parameterization, flexible prediction modes and output formats, can be accessed via the conda package manager, integrated into the Galaxy workflow framework or ad hoc usage in the web interface
At least 1 FASTA file containing target and query ncRNA sequences |
Visualization of new minimal energy profiles of RRIs
Detailed investigation of interaction alternatives and detection of potential interaction site multiplicity
Seed stability constraints
Dangling end contributions
Bacteria |
T |
IntaRNA (ncRNA-ncRNA) [135] |
A program for fast and accurate RIP by incorporating seed constraints and interaction site accessibility, offers accurate sRNA binding site identification via optimal solution, prediction of optimal and suboptimal hybridisations (similar performance with RNAplex)
At least 1 set of noncoding RNA sequences in FASTA format with more than 1 but at most 100 sequences, each with a length ranging from 7 to 2000 nt |
Prediction of the interactions in single organisms
Summary of the best 100 predicted interactions
Functional enrichment with region plots of top-25 predicted targets (an overview of the regions in the target and query sequences that play predominant roles)
RRI output with ASCII chart
Types of IntaRNA:
IntaRNA- fast, heuristic RIP
IntaRNAhelix- helix-based predictions
IntaRNAexact- exact predictions like RNAup
IntaRNAduplex- hybrid-only optimisation like RNAduplex
IntaRNAsTar- optimised for sRNA-target prediction
IntaRNAseed- identification of seed interactions only
IntaRNAens- ensemble-based prediction and partition function computation
Bacteria |
T |
No Suboptimal |
InRNAs (RNA–RNA) [139] |
RNA pairs ranging from 20 to 60 nt |
Prediction of the competitive RNA–RNA binding sites and RRIs
Computation of the MFE joint secondary structure without pseudoknots, crossing interactions, and zigzags
All species |
F |
BistaRNA (mRNA of ncRNA) [138] |
mRNA sequences of specific ncRNA |
Prediction binding sites of target RNAs that are expected to interact with regulatory antisense RNAs
Prediction of multiple binding sites of target RNAs
Prediction of binding profiles that represent scores for hybridised structures
Computation of accessible regions of the antisense RNA sequence
All species |
T |
RNAup (RNA–RNA) [133] |
A program that calculates the thermodynamics of RRIs by assessing the probability of a potential unpaired binding site, combining it with interaction energy to obtain the total binding energy, making it ideal for in-depth RIP especially when the interaction partners are known or when a candidate set has already been obtained by faster, less accurate methods
One (accessibility) or 2 (interaction) RNA sequences in FASTA format with a limit of 5000 nt per sequence |
Accessibility: identification of the region with the highest accessibility and its opening energy
Interaction: Calculation of RRI between 2 RNA sequences, the best free energy of binding, its location, the optimal region of interaction, and its optimal structure (RNAduplex)
All species |
T |
No Conservation |
No Suboptimal |
Global Interaction Length |
Sfold (siRNA and miRNA) [132, 261] |
RNA sequences in raw format, in FASTA format, or GenBank format (200 bases for an interactive job and 5000 bases for a batch job) |
Two application modules:
– Prediction of target accessibility and rational design of antisense oligonucleotides or trans-cleaving ribozymes
– Prediction of target accessibility and RNA duplex thermodynamics for rational siRNA design
– Energetic characteristics of hybridisation between a structured target and a miRNA
– Visualisation of comprehensive sequence, thermodynamic, and target structure features, a logistic probability as a measure of confidence for each predicted site, and a publication-quality diagram of the predicted miRNA–target hybrid
All species |
T |
Suboptimal Prediction |
RNApredator (RNA–RNA) [136] |
A single small RNA sequence consisting of lower or uppercase letters (A, T, C, G, U), where T is automatically converted into U (with confirmed genome) |
Computation of the full nonpseudoknot partition function of interacting strands in dilute solution
Calculation of the concentrations, MFEs, and base-pairing probabilities of the ordered complexes below a certain complexity
Computation of the partition function and base pairing of single strands including a class of pseudoknotted structures
Prediction of the suboptimal interactions
Design of ordered complexes
Computation of putative target via RNAplex
Bacteria |
T |