Table 9.
RSP and RIP tools involving pseudoknots
Strategy | RSP and RSP tools involving pseudoknots | Description | Input | Output | Applicable Species | Active (T)/Inactive (F) |
Thermodynamic-based approach | PknotsRG [275] |
A file containing one single RNA sequence in FASTA format |
Human, virus, bacteria | T |
Thermodynamic-based approach | Kinefold (RNA–RNA) [223] |
A string of unmodified RNA/DNA bases (limit of 400 bases for renaturation fold and cotranscriptional fold) |
Virus, eukaryote | T |
Thermodynamic-based approach | RNAMotif [276] |
A formal description of the permissible forms of the structure and the sequences contained within it |
Bacteria, virus | T |
Thermodynamic-based approach | RCPred (RNA–RNA) [277] |
Multiple RNA secondary structures in the complex with possible interactions in each RNA pairs |
Bacteria, virus | T |
Thermodynamic-based approach | Hyperfold (RNA–RNA) [278] |
RNA and DNA strand sequences (including temperature and concentration) |
Human | T |
Thermodynamic-based approach | VfoldCPX (RNA–RNA) [225] |
Two RNA sequences including temperature (recommendation: 300 nt for RNA secondary structures without crossing base pairs, ≤150 nt for structures with H-type pseudoknots, and ≤ 120 nt for RNA secondary structures with pseudoknots and hairpin-hairpin kissed structures) |
Eukaryote | T |
Thermodynamic-based approach (statistical mechanics) | Vfold (ncRNA-RNA) [279] |
RNA sequence in plain text form |
Human, virus | T |
Thermodynamic-based approach (DDP heuristic algorithm) | HotKnots (RNA–RNA) [216] |
RNA sequences or sequence fragments |
Virus | T |
Thermodynamic-based approach (DDP algorithm) | Pknots (RNA–RNA) [215] |
A single RNA sequence |
Bacteria, virus | T |
Thermodynamic-based approach (heuristic algorithm) | FlexStem (RNA–RNA) [222] |
A ≥ 2 bp RNA secondary structure with a helical region or stem defined as an anti-parallel complementary strand |
Virus | T |
Thermodynamic-based approach (empirical scoring function) | NanoFolder (RNA–RNA) [224] |
A set of RNA sequences combined with a descriptor for the desired target secondary structure |
Bacteria, human | T |
Thermodynamic- or comparative-based approach (heuristic algorithm) | Iterated loop matching algorithm (RNA–RNA) [220] |
RNA homologous sequences |
Eukaryote | T |
Thermodynamic- or comparative-based approach | ProbKnot (part of RNAstructure) (RNA–RNA) [280] |
A sequence file of DNA or RNA |
Human, virus | T |
Comparative-based approach | IPknot (RNA–RNA) [226] |
A single sequence of RNA or MSA |
Virus, eukaryote | T |
2D: two-dimensional; 3D three-dimensional; bp: base pair; DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid; IP: integer programming; ILM: iterated loop matching; MEA: maximum expected accuracy; miRNA: microRNA; MSA: multiple sequence alignment; NA: nucleic acid; ncRNA: noncoding RNA; nt: number of nucleotides; RNA: ribonucleic acid