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. 2023 Dec 1;25(1):bbad421. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbad421

Table 9.

RSP and RIP tools involving pseudoknots

Strategy RSP and RSP tools involving pseudoknots Description Input Output Applicable Species Active (T)/Inactive (F)
Thermodynamic-based approach PknotsRG [275]
  • A web tool for folding and single sequence RNA secondary structure prediction including pseudoknots

A file containing one single RNA sequence in FASTA format
  • Folding and RSP, including pseudoknots, near-optimal structures and sliding windows

  • Enumeration of suboptimal folding

  • Visualization of RNA structure

  • Alignment of RNA secondary structure

  • Analysis of RNA secondary structure

Human, virus, bacteria T
Thermodynamic-based approach Kinefold (RNA–RNA) [223]
  • A web interface for RNA/DNA folding path and structure prediction including pseudoknots and knots

A string of unmodified RNA/DNA bases (limit of 400 bases for renaturation fold and cotranscriptional fold)
  • Folding kinetics of RNA/DNA sequences including pseudoknots and entangled helices

  • Generation of a series of low free energy structures

  • Generation of an online animated folding path

  • Generation of a programmable trajectory plot focusing on a few helices of interest to each user

Virus, eukaryote T
Thermodynamic-based approach RNAMotif [276]
  • An RNA secondary structure definition and search algorithm including single strands, duplexes (antiparallel and parallel), pseudoknots, triplexes, and quadruplexes

A formal description of the permissible forms of the structure and the sequences contained within it
  • Description of RNA structural element, followed by the results of search in sequence databases, including the complete prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes

Bacteria, virus T
Thermodynamic-based approach RCPred (RNA–RNA) [277]
  • A tool for secondary structure prediction of RNA complexes

Multiple RNA secondary structures in the complex with possible interactions in each RNA pairs
  • Prediction of internal and external pseudoknots, crossing interactions, and zigzags

  • Generation of several suboptimal secondary structures

Bacteria, virus T
Thermodynamic-based approach Hyperfold (RNA–RNA) [278]
  • A web server for predicting NA complexes by interacting RNA strands with nonnested base pairings needed in silico secondary structure prediction

RNA and DNA strand sequences (including temperature and concentration)
  • Prediction of RNA multistrand structures, including RNA assemblies

  • Prediction of structural information such as complex concentrations and base pairing

  • Prediction of folding properties of RNA switches, RNA–DNA hybrid duplexes and RNA nanostructures resembling cubes and hexagons

Human T
Thermodynamic-based approach VfoldCPX (RNA–RNA) [225]
  • A web server for predicting RNA–RNA complex structure and stability

Two RNA sequences including temperature (recommendation: 300 nt for RNA secondary structures without crossing base pairs, ≤150 nt for structures with H-type pseudoknots, and ≤ 120 nt for RNA secondary structures with pseudoknots and hairpin-hairpin kissed structures)
  • Prediction of 2D RNA–RNA complex structures with at most one intermolecular crossing base pairing helix

  • Prediction of RNA folding thermodynamics

  • Prediction of RNA structure stability

  • Prediction of kissing interactions in miRNA–target complex and assessment of miRNA activity

Eukaryote T
Thermodynamic-based approach (statistical mechanics) Vfold (ncRNA-RNA) [279]
  • A web server to predict RNA 2D, 3D structures and folding thermodynamics

RNA sequence in plain text form
  • Prediction of 2D structure (base pairs), via generation of RNA ensemble structures, including loop structure with different intraloop mismatches

  • Prediction of 3D structure via motif scaffold assembly using structure templates from known PDB structures and refinement of structures through all-atom energy minimization

  • Prediction of folding thermodynamics (heat capacity melting curve) and evaluation of free energies via experimental parameters for base stacks and loop entropy parameters

Human, virus T
Thermodynamic-based approach (DDP heuristic algorithm) HotKnots (RNA–RNA) [216]
  • A heuristic prediction of RNA secondary structures with or without pseudoknots

RNA sequences or sequence fragments
  • Identification of the lowest free energy structures at tree nodes via a standard free energy model

  • Determination of tree pruning to explore alternatives from the most promising partial structures

Virus T
Thermodynamic-based approach (DDP algorithm) Pknots (RNA–RNA) [215]
  • An experimental code demonstrating a dynamic programming algorithm for RNA pseudoknot prediction

A single RNA sequence
  • Prediction of RNA structure with pseudoknots

  • Prediction of the optimal minimum energy structure for a single RNA sequence

  • Folding of optimal pseudoknotted RNAs ranging from 100 to 200 nt

Bacteria, virus T
Thermodynamic-based approach (heuristic algorithm) FlexStem (RNA–RNA) [222]
  • An algorithm improving predictions of RNA secondary structures with pseudoknots by reducing the search space

A ≥ 2 bp RNA secondary structure with a helical region or stem defined as an anti-parallel complementary strand
  • Simulation of the RNA folding process by successive addition of maximal stems

  • Prediction of RNA structure with pseudoknots

Virus T
Thermodynamic-based approach (empirical scoring function) NanoFolder (RNA–RNA) [224]
  • A method for the prediction of the base pairing of potentially pseudoknotted multistrand RNA nanostructures

A set of RNA sequences combined with a descriptor for the desired target secondary structure
  • Prediction of the base pairing of potentially pseudoknotted multistrand RNA nanostructures

  • Prediction of RNA complexes with nonnested base pairings; better performance than NUPACK, RNAcofold and PairFold

  • Design of RNA sequence

Bacteria, human T
Thermodynamic- or comparative-based approach (heuristic algorithm) Iterated loop matching algorithm (RNA–RNA) [220]
  • An iterated loop matching approach to predict RNA secondary structures with pseudoknots

RNA homologous sequences
  • Identification of base-pairs for short sequences

  • Prediction of pseudoknots with high accuracy on individual sequences

  • Higher sensitivity and specificity than the maximum weighted matching method [219]

Eukaryote T
Thermodynamic- or comparative-based approach ProbKnot (part of RNAstructure) (RNA–RNA) [280]
  • A fast prediction of RNA secondary structure including pseudoknots

A sequence file of DNA or RNA
  • Prediction of the presence of pseudoknots in its folded configuration

  • Visualization of pseudoknot in a circular structure

  • Better performance than ILM, pknotsRG and HotKnots

Human, virus T
Comparative-based approach IPknot (RNA–RNA) [226]
  • A fast and accurate prediction of RNA secondary structures with pseudoknots using integer programming

A single sequence of RNA or MSA
  • Prediction of the MEA structure using IP with threshold cut and the consensus secondary structure with pseudoknots given an MSA input

  • Decomposition of a pseudoknotted structure into a set of pseudoknot-free substructures

  • Prediction of a base-pairing probability distribution that considers pseudoknots via a heuristic algorithm for refinement

Virus, eukaryote T

2D: two-dimensional; 3D three-dimensional; bp: base pair; DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid; IP: integer programming; ILM: iterated loop matching; MEA: maximum expected accuracy; miRNA: microRNA; MSA: multiple sequence alignment; NA: nucleic acid; ncRNA: noncoding RNA; nt: number of nucleotides; RNA: ribonucleic acid