(A) Representation of the primary structure of aPKC (human aPKCι residue numbering) with protein domains and the three most abundantly detected phosphorylation sites indicated (cf. PhosphoSitePlus database). RM, regulatory module; PB1, Phox and Bem1 domain; PSS, Pseudo-substrate sequence; BSL, beta-strand linker; KD, kinase domain; T412, activation loop residue; T564, turn motif residue. (B) AlphaFold2 colab prediction of the aPKCRM, with the PB1 domain (cyan), PSS (purple) linked via a Beta-Strand Linker (orange) to the C1 domain (blue). Figure generated in PyMol. (C) Schematic representation of B. (D) Surface representation of the RM with the predicted lipid-binding residues within the RM color coded in yellow. Residues involved in membrane-association as identified in [11] are labeled. Arg150/151 are part of a NLS as identified in [21] and denoted with a red asterisk. Figure generated in ChimeraX. (E) Indication of the Tyr-136 residue location, which in the unphosphorylated state is part of the BSL. Figure panels B–E are adapted from [11].