Polygenic overlap between cardiovascular traits and LBD. Venn diagrams based on MiXeR modelling from GWASs of cardiovascular traits and LBD (n = 2591 cases and 4027 controls) illustrate the polygenic overlaps between (A) LBD and LDL cholesterol, (B) LBD and T2D and (C) LBD and hypertension. The estimated number of causal variants shared between LBD and each respective cardiovascular trait are shown in the grey intersection. The estimated number of influencing variants that are unique to LBD are shown in blue, while variants uniquely influencing each cardiovascular trait are shown in orange. Standard errors are shown in parentheses. The size of each circle reflects the extent of polygenicity of each trait, with larger circles indicating a bigger number of causal variants. The estimates of genetic correlation, as measured by rg values, are shown at the bottom of each panel. The red bars highlight the significant positive correlations between LBD and each of the three tested cardiovascular traits. T2D, Type 2 diabetes mellitus.