Table 3.
i-WALK domain parameters | Controls (n = 20) | FXTAS (n = 22) | PD (n = 23) | ET (n = 20) |
Dual-task cost (DTC) | Mean (SD) | Mean (SD) | Mean (SD) | Mean (SD) |
Stride length (%stature) | 0.81 (2.77) | −1.16 (7.34) | −2.98 (3.76)a**,b* | −1.03 (2.14) |
Stride velocity (%stature/s) | 4.69 (9.68) | −1.20 (10.59) | −5.15 (5.98)a***,b* | −2.02 (6.51) |
Cadence (steps/min) | 3.75 (7.43) | −0.26 (5.38) | −2.23 (4.72)a** | −1.13 (5.10) |
Double limb support (%) | −0.07 (10.16) | 1.98 (13.63) | 2.60 (8.96) | 4.29 (9.85) |
Trunk frontal ROM (degrees) CoV | 24.66 (47.14) | 4.07 (31.88) | 18.10 (34.02) | 22.04 (32.84) |
Stride length (%stature) CoV | 3.28 (50.80) | 3.58 (38.33) | 8.15 (33.95) | 3.62 (28.48) |
Stride velocity (%stature/s) CoV | 11.68 (55.87) | 7.97 (37.26) | 15.20 (36.37) | 19.94 (44.09) |
Cadence (steps/min) CoV | 31.75 (70.57) | 16.33 (51.26) | 25.47 (35.78) | 30.96 (56.67) |
Stride length asymmetry (%) | 5.84 (37.59) | 15.58 (58.73) | 11.49 (24.48) | 7.56 (22.96) |
Arm symmetry index (%) | 2.40 (34.04) | −7.26 (25.27) | 17.06 (59.66) | 7.28 (37.98) |
Turn duration (s) | −7.84 (13.04) | 3.99 (32.21) | 3.74 (12.17)a* | 0.64 (12.43) |
Number of steps to turn | −2.73 (14.55) | 1.94 (23.55) | 1.52 (10.83) | −0.49 (11.34) |
Peak turn velocity | 13.19 (13.19) | 3.77 (17.93) | 0.04 (14.79)a* | 0.88 (10.64)a* |
Dual-task costs (DTC) for gait variables for between group comparisons among FXTAS, PD, ET, and controls. DTC was calculated using the formula . . a, significantly different from controls; b, significantly different from FXTAS; *p ≤ 0.05, **p ≤ 0.01, ***p ≤ 0.001, ****p ≤ 0.0001.