Antibody - include host organism common name and clonality (e.g., “mouse monoclonal”)
Biological sample - any other biological entity, ranging from isolated tissue to defined population
Cell line - if a primary cell line, describe in Additional Information
Chemical compound, drug - commercially available reagents
Commercial assay/kit - detection assays; labeling and sample preparation kits
Deposited data or public database - include both raw data from this paper deposited into a repository and public repository databases (postmortem tissue; genetic consortia data; etc.)
Genetic reagent - applies to mutations and variants in whole organism, including transgenically introduced constructs
Peptide, recombinant protein - commercially available reagents
Recombinant DNA reagent - traditional cultured clones, plasmids, cDNAs, etc., including recombinant DNA libraries
Sequence-based reagent - oligonucleotides, primers, etc.; indicate sequence
Software, algorithm - include version number and URL for download
Organism/Strain - applies to whole organism
Transfected construct - in cell line; indicate species of cell line or construct component
Other - miscellaneous other categories, including histological stains