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. 2023 Oct 23;49(6):1199–1214. doi: 10.1007/s10695-023-01251-z

Table 1.

Summary of size and particle number of EVs with sample volume used for EV isolation in different fish species 

Species and EV source Size distribution by NTA or nano-flowcytometry (peaks) (nm) Size distribution (peak) by DLS (nm) Size distribution (peak) by TRPS (nm) Particle number (particles/mL) by NTA Particle number (particles/mL) by TRPS Sample volume (μl) Reference
Rainbow trout gut (large EV) RTgutGC supernatant 91–531 (164) 250–1250 (350) 6.7E + 10 ± 8.2E + 09 8,000 present data
Rainbow trout gut (small EV) RTgutGC supernatant 58–1106 (122.4) 75–225 (125) 1.3E + 11 ± 1.05E + 11
Rainbow trout gill (large EV) RTgill-W1 supernatant 21–255 (164) 250–1150 (350) 6.39E + 10 ± 3.1E + 10
Rainbow trout gill (small EV) RTgill-W1 supernatant 10–712 (164) 75–225 (125) 3.37E + 10 ± 52.26E + 10
Rainbow trout liver (large EV) RTL-W1 supernatant 58–2,000 (220) 250–1250 (350) 1.21E + 11 ± 4.89E + 10
Rainbow trout liver (small EV) RTL-W1 supernatant 68–458 (164) 75–225 (125) 1.68E + 11 ± 8.45E + 10
Zebrafish cell line liver (large EV) ZFL supernatant 68–2,000 (141.8) 250–1150 (350) 6.79E + 10 ± 3.09E + 10
Zebrafish cell line liver (small EV) ZFL supernatant 58–955 (190.1) 75–225 (125) 6.34E + 10 ± 4.37E + 10
Atlantic cod mucus 30–500 (142) 5.8e + 9 200 Magnadóttir et al., 2019
Atlantic cod mucus and plasma 30–400 (120) 6.5e + 8 200–250 Lange et al. 2019
Atlantic cod plasma 30–500 (160) 5.0–7.0e + 10 250 Magnadóttir et al. 2020
Atlantic salmon plasma 60–250 (124/106) 6.62e + 8—7.08e + 8 3,000 Muñoz et al., 2022
Salmon headkidney leukocytes supernatant 107.6–137 2.0–2.2E + 8 2,000 Smith et al. 2020
Coho salmon plasma 56–278 (190) 1.6E + 6–1.1E + 7 200 Leiva et al. 2021
Chinese tongue sole plasma 20–120 (95) 1.80e + 9—2.71e + 9 40,000 Sun et al. 2017
Chinese tongue sole plasma 100–400 (142) 2.40 ± 0.08e + 9 na Zhao et al. 2021
Chinese tongue sole plasma 50–200* 5.28e + 8—2.71e + 9 na Zhu et al. 2022