Schematic for in vitro human organoids-on-chips models for biomedicine. Human organoids are 3D multicellular tissue constructs derived from human stem cells (e.g., pluripotent stem cells or adult stem cells) through self-assembly, retaining certain key features of their organ counterparts. Organ chips are microengineered microfluidic cell culture setups that can recreate cell microenvironment (e.g., bioflow, gradient, tissue barrier and mechanical cue) in a controlled manner. Human organoids-on-chips (OrgOCs) are opening up a new frontier of biomedical research by integrating organoids and organ chips technology. These physiologically relevant microsystems can be widely used in the biological study (e.g., organ development, vascularization, host-immune response and inter-organ communication), disease modeling (e.g., endogenous components cause, inorganic pollutants exposure and viral infection) and precision medicine (e.g., pharmacokinetic study, drug safety assessment and drug screening).