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. 2023 Dec 9;12:102495. doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2023.102495

Table 1.

Description of each step of the co-creation process of NBS (Source: authors).

Step Purpose Guiding questions Some options
Step 1:
Identifying NBS stage At which stage of realising NBS are you? 1) co-assessment and planning, 2) co-design, 3) co-implementation, 4) co-monitoring and co-evaluation
Defining the goal of co-creation process What is the aim of your co-creation process? a) exploring local context / dynamics; b) development of new visions, ways of problem framing and strategies (new business model); c) establishing new relationships, partnerships and collaborations among actors who were not in contact with each other in the past; d) stakeholders’ identification and analysis; e) foster collaboration (networks or partnerships), mobilize and empower diverse citizens for a joint action; f) stimulate learning among diverse actors; g) finding concrete solutions; h) collecting knowledge in the absence of data (data gathering); i) monitoring and evaluation of NBS impact.
Step 2:
Identify and analyse
Stakeholders’ identification and analysis Which stakeholders do you want to involve in the co-creation process? a) public authority & political representation; b) academia & research; c) private sector organization; d) civil society organizations; e) local residents; f) media; g) several/all of these groups of stakeholders
Identifying type of co-creation activity What co-creation activities are you interested in applying? a) workshops and oral communication techniques; b) fieldwork techniques; c) template and visualization techniques (templates, maps, charts, etc.)
Analysis of conditions enabling co-creation (resources, capacities, effort) What resources and capacities do you
have for co-creation?
How many stakeholders will you involve? a) small group (1–5 people); b) middle group (6–12 people); c) large group (from 13 up to 100 people and more)
How much time will you be able to invest? 1) less time consuming (30–60 min); 2) middle time consuming (0.5–1.5 h preparation and 1–2 h activity); 3) highly time consuming (long preparation, several rounds of activities, post-event analysis)
How experienced are you in doing co-creation? 1) low effort/level of difficulty, easy to apply; b) middle effort/level of difficulty, needs certain expertise to apply; c) high effort/level of difficulty, difficult to apply (need trained personnel)
Step 3
Level of co-creation What level of co-creation is desirable for you? 1) Informing stakeholders about NBS (idea sharing, advertisement, educate): one-way, passive engagement; 2) consulting stakeholder(s) and informing them (surveying, interviewing, reviews, rating): two-way dialog to enhance feedback; 3) starting/supporting collaboration (delegation, consultation, partnership, engagement): initial engagement; 4) cooperating with stakeholder (partnership, engagement, delegated power, citizen control): active engagement
Step 4
Selecting the most appropriate tools What are the most appropriate tools supporting your co-creation activities? a) select the appropriate tool(s) and look at the comparative chart to learn which efforts and resources are needed for their implementation; b) within the co-creation team it should be discussed: what parts of the tools will be beneficial to apply; c) make your project team familiar with the tool (learn how to apply, what to prepare, etc. – see tool descriptions)
Step 5
Invite How will stakeholders be invited? 1) direct (through invitations); 2) indirect (public advertisements, internet, social media, newspapers, TV, radio, etc.); 3) motivation (extrinsic motivation / financial; intrinsic motivation / social inclusion)
Share How will relevant information be shared with stakeholders? a) using email or sending digital information sources; b) sending prospects, brochures, booklets, etc.; c) through direct contact (also during public events); d) using social media, etc.
Agree How to ensure a mutual understanding? 1) memorandum of agreement, contracts, other official documents, 2) informal agreement but indicating the activity conditions & tasks
Ensure the quality of co-creation What are key principles for a good co-creation process? 1) inclusivity 2) openness 3) legitimacy 4) actionable knowledge for policy and planning 5) usable knowledge and empowerment 6) extending institutions for ensuring synergies
Step 6
Starting / continuing co-creation What key aspects to consider during realising co-creation activities? looking at the tool descriptions, please follow the instructions for applying the tools and finally launch innovation partnerships
How to assemble the network of actors - recognize the roles and responsibilities of co-creation participants
How practically implement the co-creation activity? 1) ensure that the implementation proceeds according to the plan; 2) prepare for uncertainties in the process and be prepared for changes and adaptation; 3) the only way to learn which method or tool works best in specific situations is by testing and applying it
How to utilize the co-creation results & experiences 1) ensure that all the parties benefit; 2) analyse & share the risks; 3) an open attitude and learning through experiments are the surest means of producing benefits; 4) ensure an open, trusting, pro-development, encouraging and creative atmosphere
Step 7
Evaluate and adapt
Co-monitor and co-evaluate the co-creation How did we do? Can we improve? a) Reflexive monitoring; b) Monitoring the effects of using the innovation; c) Table of indicators for evaluation of co-creation process