Table 5.
Co-creation approach and related tools for co-assessment and planning stage (Source: authors).
What | Why | How |
Stakeholder involvement in data collection on hazards, exposures and vulnerabilities | to validate and adapt expert estimates and models of risk; to get valuable insights from stakeholders on problem framing | Visualization techniques to solicit stakeholder ideas, concerns, feedback: - value proposition canvas, A/B tests to compare risk model outputs to experiences of stakeholders; - problems definition, calls for ideas and experience tour to frame the problem on the way to the right solution; - causal loop diagrams to adapt the risk assessment model to local contexts, including feedback across social, economic, ecological governance dimensions; - citizen science, fuzzy cognitive maps and PPGIS for model development and analysis; - fuzzy cognitive maps to elucidate risk perceptions to support NBS; -geoquestionnairesurvey to provide input from stakeholders on placement of NBS to mitigate risks; social media allows citizen-collected information to be time-stamped and georeferenced. Field work techniques: transect walk, auto-photography, field trips, ethnographic fieldnotes, social mapping,sketch mapping. |
Communication with stakeholders | to effectively mobilize participants; to provide feedback on collected data | Workshop and communication techniques to collect risk perceptions and conduct vulnerability assessment: Delphi methods /surveys, fuzzy cognitive maps, focus groups, expert interview,vision development workshop, road mapping workshop, ambition setting workshop,world café, future searching conference. Workshop and communication techniques to find the relations between the stakeholders, mobilize them, establish new and foster existing partnerships: people and connection maps, team canvas, who inspire us, building partnership map,service blueprint |
Setting up the system boundaries through baseline assessments | to collect data on current working routines, institutional structures, needs related to planning, design, constructing & maintaining NBS | Visualization techniques: framing the project board, innovation flowchart, designing the challenge, experiencetour, call for ideas, user personas, actors map, stakeholder visualization, stakeholderCV tool, people shadowing Workshop and communication techniques: focus group, expert interview, vision development workshop Field work: transect walk, auto-photography, field trips, ethnographicfieldnotes, social mapping. |
Selecting the criteria to address the issues of Water, Nature and People indicators | to adjust criteria to ensure local relevance of NBS to environmental, health, economic, socio-political, technical issues. | Visualization techniques: multi-criteria decision analysis, scoring and rating, multiple perspectives wheel,scaling plan Workshop and communication techniques: Delphi survey/methods/techniques, focus group, expert interview, visiondevelopment workshop, world café, dotmocracy |
Comparing selected NBS to other types of measures | to analyse all pros and contras of selected NBS and their co-benefits | Using a combination of cost assessments, qualitative and quantitative assessment of co-benefits, and evidence synthesis of existing literature; co-creation tools: scenario comparison, A/B tests (split tests), SWOT Analysis, expert interview,thinking hats, head & heart & hands, 5 whys, dotmocracy, world café |
Selection of stake-holders participating in co-creation | to identify the interested stakeholders and ensure their engagement | Can be derived through the stakeholder mapping and analysis; Visualization techniques: stakeholder visualization, user personas, actor maps/stakeholder mapping, stakeholderCV tool; Workshop and communication techniques: focus group, expert interview,world café, team canvas, who inspire us, building partnership map, service blueprint |