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. 2023 Dec 9;12:102495. doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2023.102495

Table 6.

Toolbox for co-assessment and planning of NBS: aims, outcomes, actions/steps, actors to be involved and related tools (Source: authors, inspired by [[3], [15], [27]]).

Phase Co-assessment and planning
Main aims and actions/steps:
  • 1)

    defining the current and future problem, challenges (Who and what is at risk?);

  • 2)

    finding possible solutions in relation to NBSs opportunities – e.g. motivation for NBS and its main objectives (preliminary research) (What is the purpose of NBS?)

  • 3)

    understanding potential for NBS: defining operational technical skills to design the project (What are the benefits and costs?)

  • 4)

    clarifying the role and mission of different stakeholders involved in NBS (Who is on board, with whom and why?)

  • 5)

    Identification of the NBS project – achieving its sound vision (What are feasible & acceptable NBS types?)

Why participatory tools should be applied
  • to establish a sound vision of the NBS project and the alignment of partners

  • to improve the overall involvement of all relevant stakeholders in the process (increasing awareness about the NBS project)

  • 1)

    report including the identification of the NBS project and its relation to the overall local strategy;

  • 2)

    list of related stakeholders and their roles in the project;

  • 3)

    prototype of local communication, outlining the strategy for gaining stakeholders’ support and engagement for NBS, set-up activities

Actors involved: Project partners: only internal local working team and sporadically, experts and decision-making board from public authorities
Important notes: Since this step contributes to the establishing the partnership:
  • make sure to invite all stakeholders and align with them;

  • make sure to provide all needed materials for tools applied for this stage

Suggested tools: a) for identifying the challenges and goals of the NBS project within the local context and strategy:
  • framing the project board

  • innovation flowchart

  • designing the challenge

  • experience tour

  • problems definitions

  • value proposition canvas

b) to involve and engage stakeholders
  • user personas

  • actors’ map/stakeholder mapping

  • people and connections map

  • stakeholder CV tool

  • people shadowing

  • expert interview

  • stakeholder visualization

  • team canvas

  • service blueprint

  • who inspire us?

  • building partnership map

c) to discover valuable insights and generate innovative NBS strategy
  • brainstorming/ brainwriting

  • walls of ideas

  • fast idea generating

  • idea dashboard

  • idea canvas

  • co-co toolkit

  • idea rating

  • creative workshop

  • expert interview

  • 5 whys

  • thinking hats

  • head & heart & hands

  • action Planning

  • SWOT analysis

d) to collect data on hazards, exposures and vulnerabilities
  • citizen science methods (incl. digital photos and videos from the public);

  • fuzzy cognitive maps

  • participatory mapping, PPGIS, geo-questionnaire

  • participant observation

  • transect walks

  • focus groups