Study overview
(A) Description of the animal study and dataset, including the number of animals, time points, and samples collected.
(B) Schematization of study design and experimental and analytical workflow.
(C) t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (tSNE) plot of transcriptional signatures, demonstrating that unique tissues cluster together and with commercial controls of the same type.
(D) Viral load across time in whole blood (top) and across tissues and other fluids at necropsy (bottom) for each animal, ordered by time between infection and necropsy. Colors represent viral RNA as log10(copies/μL), as assessed by qRT-PCR; gray represents no data.
(E) Viral variants across the EBOV genome identified in infecting viral stock and infected animals. Variants, designated by lines, are colored by their presence in stock (top) and frequency in infected animals (bottom).
Images were created with BioRender.