Viral adaptation and fitness effects
(A) Top: number of emergent variants per 1,000 bp (gray) were quantified for each gene-coding region as well as proportion of nonsynonymous variants (red). Bottom: accumulation of total (gray) and nonsynonymous (red) variants in specific gene regions was quantified using a sliding window of 200 bp.
(B) Genomic locations of variants selected for further functional testing (red) among all variants identified across the EBOV genome (black).
(C) Schematic of the EBOV/Kikwit transcription- and replication-competent virus-like particle (trVLP) minigenome system that recapitulates the wild-type and variant viral life cycle in a host cell (image created with BioRender).
(D) Flow cytometry analysis of the percentage of GFP+ cells 48 h post minigenome transfection as a percentage of infected host cells by seed stock (wild type [WT]) or viral variants in GP, RNP, and VP24. Error bars represent standard deviation.