a, Normalized PPHB abundance in hem25Δ cells expressing Hem25p-FLAG or SLC25A38. (mean ± SD, n = 3 biologically independent samples) b, Relative lipid abundances in hem25Δ yeast compared to WT versus statistical significance with CoQ10 and the CoQ10 biosynthetic intermediate demethoxy-coenzyme Q (DMQ10,) highlighted. c, Relative protein abundance SLC25A38KO cells compared to WT cells versus statistical significance with CoQ-related (COQ3-COQ9) and OxPhos-related proteins highlighted. For panels (b) and (c), raw lipidomic and proteomic data, respectively, from the MITOMICS resource46 are displayed as the mean from three independent samples with two-sided Welch’s t-test used. Source numerical data are available in source data.