a, The testing procedure of the detection objective contrast properties includes taking a focus stack of the Ronchi ruling immersed into imaging medium; splitting each image into sub-regions (tiling); and calculating the local contrast of each sub-region. b, Example of a 3D contrast map for objective Olympus XLFluor 4x/0.28. c, Comparison of absolute contrast and field flatness across the field between Benchtop mesoSPIM (Mitutoyo Plan Apo BD 5x/0.14) vs. mesoSPIM v5 (Olympus MVPLAPO-1x, at zoom 5x). Sensor dimensions and colormap scales are equal. d, Comparison of the field of view and image quality between Benchtop and mesoSPIM v.5 at 5x magnification. The Benchtop allows larger overall FOV and higher contrast across the image. The mesoSPIM v5 system has areas of lower resolution (ROI#1) and higher resolution (ROI#2) depending on the region position, consistent with the maps of objective contrast shown in c. MIPs over multiple z-planes are shown.