(A, C) Immunostaining of tdTomato+ (red) and either NeuN+ (cyan), GFAP+ (green) or Iba1+ (green) cells 21 days after stereotaxic injection of MC3 LNP Cas9 mRNA/Ai9 sgRNA (0.250 μg μL−1) in the striatum (A), and the hippocampus (C). The scale bar represents 30 μm. (B, D) Quantification of (B) tdTomato+; NeuN+, tdTomato+; GFAP+ or tdTomato+; Iba1+ cells among total tdTomato+ cells (%) in the MC3 LNP Cas9 mRNA/Ai9 sgRNA (0.250 μg μL−1)-injected striatum (B), and hippocampus (D). All data are presented as mean ± SEM. MC3 LNP Cas9 mRNA/Ai9 sgRNA (0.250 μg μL−1; n = 10 images from 2 mice).