NAMPT is significantly down-regulated in AAA
(A) The relationship of NAMPT, NADH, NAD+, TCA cycle and oxidative phosphorylation/ATP synthesis. TCA, tricarboxylic acid. e−, electron. H+, proton. I, electron transport chain complex (ETC) I. II, ETC complex II. III, ETC complex III. IV, electron transport chain complex IV. NAD+, Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.
(B) The list of genes controlling oxidative phosphorylation/ATP synthesis, which were significantly downregulated in AAA in both human and mouse in this study.
(C) NAMPT staining on human abdominal aortic tissue sections. Scale bar, 200 μm.
(D) ELISA showing the expression levels of NAMPT in human serum and abdominal aortic tissues. For tissue, N = 4, p*<0.01. For serum, N = 4, p*<0.01.
(E) Western-blotting showing the expression levels of NAMPT in human abdominal aortic tissues. N = 3, p**<0.01.
(F) NAD+ expression level analysis in human VSMCs from control and AAA. N = 3, p*<0.05.
(G) SA-beta-gal staining on human VSMCs isolated from human abdominal aorta. N = 3, p**<0.01. Scale bar, 100 μm
(H) Western-blotting showing the expression levels of NAMPT in human VSMCs with or without AngII treatment. N = 3, p**<0.01.
(I) NAD+ levels analysis in human VSMCs with or without AngII treatment. N = 3, p**<0.01.
(J) Western-blotting showing the expression levels of markers associated with senescence (p21, p16) and VSMCs contractile (α-SMA, Calponin) in human VSMCs with or without AngII treatment. N = 3, p**<0.01.