Table 8.
BIOG driver and its representation in (data = GPASOIL-v0) and (data = GPASOIL-v1).
Driver name | BIOG (natural soil biogeochemical background) |
Description of its effect on the soil P | P inherited from natural soils at the time of conversion to agriculture (Eq. 20). P in natural soils was also used to approach P in agricultural soils at the beginning of the simulation (initial conditions, Eqs. 22, 23) and soil P pools at steady-state used to compute the parameter describing the exchanges between pools (Eq. 17). |
Corresponding variables in our approach | P content of natural soils for any soil P pools considered, i.e. , , , , , , , in kgP ha−1 for top 0–0.3 m. |
Dataset ref used in (data = GPASOIL-v0) | Natural soils P pools for top 0–0.3 m were approached by estimates of current P in unmanaged soils for top 0–0.5 m provided by Yang et al.4. Pi-sol was not considered in GPASOIL-v0. |
Issues related to the use of this dataset in GPASOIL-v0 | Soil orders used to compute how total P is held in different fractions in Yang et al.4 is likely a poor predictor of soil P pools. In our approach, we assumed that P concentration provided for top 0–0.5 m was representative to the considered top 0–0.3 m soil layer. |
Representation in (data = GPASOIL-v1) | We used the dataset of He et al.14 that provides the current soil P distribution for , , , , , . The values we used are representative to the top 0 - 0.3 m soil layer. is derived from that was prescribed to 0.1 mgP L−1 (but sensitivity to this value was tested). |
Characteristics of the spatially explicit dataset used in (data = GPASOIL-v1) | He et al.14 provided the current soil P pools distribution (in mgP (kg of soil)−1) for different soil horizons at half-degree spatial resolution for natural ecosystems (78, 10.6084/m9.figshare.16988029.v2). |