Fig. 4. In situ SRIR measurements in 0.1 M HClO4 (pH = 1). The loading of catalysts is 1 mg cm−2, and the solution resistance 2.2 Ω.
In situ SRIR spectroscopy measurements in the range 1700–700 cm−1 at various potentials for a TS–Ir/MnO2 and b IrO2. Isotope-labeling in situ SRIR spectroscopy measurements in the range 1700–700 cm−1 at various potentials for c TS–Ir/MnO2 and e IrO2. d In situ SRIR spectra generated under no- and isotope-labeling conditions at typical potentials of 1.00 and 1.35 V for TS–Ir/MnO2. f In situ SRIR spectra generated under no- and isotope-labeling conditions at typical potentials of 1.00 and 1.50 V for IrO2.