Figure 2.
EXPA10, EXPA14, and EXPA15 reveal specific localization in the root tip. A, B)pEXPA10::EXPA10:mCherry in the primary (A) and lateral (B) root and transversal xz optical sections (I.-IV.) through the RAM, transition (TZ) and elongation (EZ) zones, and the lateral root as indicated by white lines. C–E)pEXPA14::EXPA14:mCherry in the primary (C, D) and lateral (E) root and transversal xz optical sections (I. and II.) as indicated by white lines; white arrows point to the TZ/EZ boundary. The specimen in the bottom panel of (D) is shown by composite images comprised of 2 partially overlapping fields of view. F–H)pEXPA15::EXPA15:mCherry in RAM (F), emerging lateral root (G), lateral root (H), and its transversal xz optical sections (I. and II.) as indicated by white lines. Z-stack projections from optical sections taken from the top of the root to the center are shown in all longitudinal plane views. Transmitted-light micrograph inserts show a single optical section. Scale bars correspond to 20 μm except in (A, B, D, G), where they correspond to 50 μm.