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Table 5.

Comparison of iodine status and thyroid volume in 6-year-old children living in iodine-sufficient areas.

Country Median UICa, μg/L Iodine excess a, % Total Boys Girls Reference
n Tvol, mL Goiter rate, % n Tvol, mL n Tvol, mL
P50 P97 AS BSA-S P50 P97 P50 P97
South Korea 623.5 73.7 228 2.4 4.1 25.9 34.6 123 2.3 4.0 105 2.5 4.2 This study
Six countriesb 203 26.4 468 1.6 2.9 1.6 2.8 Zimmermann et al. (18)
Japan 281 45.9 37 1.9 3.9 5.8 6.5c 19 1.8 3.8 18 1.9 3.8 Fuse et al. (21)
Sweden 125 3.0 95 15.7 22.3c 47 2.6d ns 48 2.6d ns Nystrom et al. (22)
Algeriae 565 84.0 55 3.0 ns 58.2 ns Henjum et al. (23)
Chinaf 170 18.8 416 209 2.7 ns 207 2.8 ns Zou et al. (24)
Japan 1594 822 ns 5.2 772 ns 5.1 Suzuki et al. (25)
Spain 120 ns 32 5c ns 3.9 ns 4.1 Garcia-Ascaso et al. (26)
Koreaf,g 61 37 3.6d ns 24 3.2d ns Sea et al. (27)

aMedian UIC values and prevalence of iodine excess (UIC ≥ 300 µg/L) were derived from study participants of all ages; bCountries include Switzerland, Bahrain, South Africa, Peru, USA, and Japan; cData from all age groups; dMean value; eSaharawi refugee camp; fData from participants 3–6 years of age; gTvol was assessed using computed tomography.

AS, age-specific; BSA-S, body surface area specific; ns, not stated; P50, 50th percentile; P97, 97th percentile; Tvol, thyroid volume; UIC, urine iodine concentration.