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. 2023;24(9):3297–3303. doi: 10.31557/APJCP.2023.24.9.3297

Table 1.

The REPCAN Guideline Checklist Final Draft

Manuscript Section Item No Item Description
Title and abstract
Title T1 - Indicate the name of the cancer registry, the type of registry, the time period to which the report relates, and the relevant country/region.
- If a part of the results is reported, such as child/adult cancer or selected sites, this information should be included in the Title.
Abstract Objective A1 Present the objective of the report, the registry name(s), the time period to which the report relates, and the population name (e.g., country/country region/ethnic group, etc.)
Methods A2 Briefly indicate: whether the data are population-based, institutionally based, or otherwise/time period/the process whereby registration takes place/the major data source(s)/the population source and its ethnic characteristics and other features
Result A3 Report the crude and age-standardized rates for all cancers combined and major cancers recorded by the registry, plus at least one index of data quality
Conclusion A4 Provide a conclusion on reported results including a qualitative assessment of the report
Background /Rationale I1 Consider adding the context of broader cancer control planning in the country/region and specific cancer prevention activities.
I2 Include references describing the population denominator, the cancer registry, the relevant history of cancer registration, and the data gap filled by the report
I3 The report, numbers, proportions, incidence, and mortality rates of cancers based on available reporting for the study population or comparable populations
Objectives I4 State-specific objectives of the Cancer Registry
Study design M1 - Present key elements of registry design (e.g., type of registry, organization).
- State how the registry is managed. Is the registry part of a standalone project (give identifiable information), or part of an ongoing registry?
M2 Indicate the name of the registry and the “target” population to which it refers
Study population and registration
M3 Indicate population characteristics (e.g., ethnic subgroups) of the registration area and present population pyramid
M4 Describe geographic and environmental characteristics (e.g., climate, altitude, latitude) of the registration area
Data collection and definitions M5 Provide sources of population and mortality data
M6 Describe the reporting procedures (e.g., active or passive reporting) used by the registry
M7 Indicate data sources (e.g., hospitals, diagnostic laboratories, and death certificates) including those in the private or public sectors
M8 Include descriptive variables relating to the person with cancer (sex, age, ethnic group), place of residence, and time
M9 Include descriptive variables relating to cancer (e.g., diagnosis date, the valid basis of diagnosis, topography, morphology, behavior, grade, stage)
M10 Describe the standard cancer classifications and coding systems used by the registry including ICD-O or other classification versions used
Quality control M11 Describe methods used to ensure data validity (e.g. comparability, accuracy, and completeness)
M12 Provide descriptions of indices used to indicate data quality (e.g. comparability, accuracy, and completeness)
Statistical analysis M14 Name the statistical software used
M15 Describe the statistical terms and methods
M16 Describe the calculated statistics and finding reported (e.g. number of cases, age-specific rates, crude rates, and age-standardized rates)
M17 Describe methods used for the calculation of standardized rates and indicate the standard population with appropriate reference
Ethics code M18 Describe ethical considerations about registry-based research in your country/region and report the approval awarded by an ethics committee
Frequencies R1 Provide a table showing available demographic data (e.g., sex, age groups, place of residence, ethnicity)
R2 Report frequency distributions of cancers by site, age, sex, and period/year (Preferred groupings would align with Cancer in Five Continent or ICD-OC groupings)
R3 Make appropriate use of tables, bar graphs, pie charts, and line graphs for the presentation of frequencies
Manuscript Section Item No Item Description
Rates R4 Report crude annual incidence rates by site, age, and sex
R5 Report age-standardized rates by site, age, and sex (preferably using a relevant WHO standard population)
R6 Report cumulative incidence rates by site, age, and sex
R7 Show a graphical representation of age-specific incidence rates by sex, for commonly diagnosed cancers
R8 Make appropriate use of tables, bar graphs, pie charts, and line graphs for the presentation of rates
Geographical distributions R9 Report frequencies and rates by geographic subdivisions of the registration area
Indices of data quality R10 Include a table of indices of the validity of diagnoses
R11 Report the percentages of cases with a morphologically verified diagnosis (MV%) and where the data source was a death certificate only (DCO%) (note: where available)
R12 Report other indices of data quality (e.g., mortality/incidence ratio (note: where available)
Key results D1 Summarize key results as relating to study objectives
Interpretation of results D2 Compare observed incidence and mortality results with corresponding results for other areas and populations
Data limitations D3 Discuss the likely generalizability (external validity) of study results
D4 Report the shortcomings of the registry and possible implications they may have for the accuracy and completeness of results
Acknowledgment section
How the registry data are used? Ak1 Report if the data from the registry is used in research and publication
How the registry report was funded Ak2 Describe how the report was funded
Is the registry registered in any central registry system? Ak3 Report if the registry is part of a central registry and whether associated with local or international associations