Brain regions showing significant differences in volume (A), fractal dimension (B), gyrification index (C), sulcal depth (D), and cortical thickness (E), between CU and dementia groups. The results were FWE-corrected p<.05 with a cluster extent threshold of 100 voxels or vertices, controlling for age, sex, education and TICV (TICV was only used as a covariate in the Volume (A) analysis, not for surfaces). For Volume (A), yellow color indicates regions with a significant reduction volume in MCI/AD compared with CU, with a T-value of 3 being red and yellow being a 14 on the color bar. For fractal dimension (B), sulcal depth (D), and cortical thickness (E) a turquoise to yellow to red indicates the level of significance for a decrease in fractal dimension, sulcal depth, and cortical thickness in MCI/AD compared to CU. Gyrification index measures were found to be both significantly decreased (blue, bilateral parahippocampal gyrus)