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. 2024 Jan 2;24:44. doi: 10.1186/s12889-023-17260-9

Table 4.

Intervention effects, separate for subgroups in case of significant moderationa

Outcome Subgroupb β [95% CI] t test (df) P n
HRQoL T1 vs. T0 In-school 0.55[-1.22; 2.32] 0.61 (419) 0.54 155
Remote -3.09[-5.35; -0.82] -2.67 (232) 0.007 87
HRQoL T2 vs. T0 In-school 0.87[-0.88; 2.63] 0.97 (419) 0.33 155
Remote -4.10[-6.28; -1.93] -3.71 (232)  < 0.001 87
Psych. well-being Entire sample 0.28[-1.25; 1.82] 0.36 (460) 0.72 242
Moods In-school 2.76[0.10; 5.43] 2.03 (290) 0.04 155
Remote -3.43[-6.17; -0.69] -2.46 (161) 0.01 87
Self-Perception In-school 1.62[-0.15; 3.39] 1.79 (290) 0.07 155
Remote -1.58[-4.08; 0.93] -1.23 (161) 0.22 87
Peer support In-school 0.25[-1.80; 2.29] 0.24 (291) 0.81 155
Remote -5.69[-8.71; -2.68] -3.70 (161)  < 0.001 87
Resilience Entire sample 0.07[-0.07; 0.22] 0.98 (460) 0.33 242
Depressed feelings Entire sample 0.58[-1.11; 2.26] 0.67 (459) 0.50 242
PA (ENMO) Normal 19.11 [1.17; 37.06] 2.09 (100) 0.04 61
Restricted 3.33 [-3.07; 9.73] 1.02 (279) 0.31 169
SB (min/day) Normal -157.98[-279.98; -35.99] -2.54 (62.43c) 0.01 61
Restricted 19.11 [-27.30; 65.53] 0.81 (136.88c) 0.42 169
Sleep routine Entire sample 13.12 [-10.28; 36.53] 1.10 (168.33c) 0.27 210
Sleep quality Entire sample 0.24 [0.05; 0.43] 2.47 (459) 0.01 242
Breakfast freq Entire sample -0.23 [-0.74; 0.28] -0.87 (229.5c) 0.39 242

Abbreviations: PA physical activity, ENMO Euclidean norm minus one, SB sedentary behavior

aMultilevel generalized linear models testing the interaction effect between Time (T2 vs. T0, unless otherwise specified) and Group (control vs. intervention) controlling for age, gender and family affluence.

bIn case of significant moderation by pandemic-related education measures, effects are presented for the subgroups ‘normal in-school education’ (In-school) or ‘partly remote education’ (Remote). In case of significant moderation by pandemic-related measures for sports, effects are presented for the subgroups ‘normal sports possibilities’ (Normal) or ‘restricted sports possibilities’ (Restricted). In case of no significant moderation, effects are presented for the entire sample.

cBecause here a Gauss model was fitted, Satterthwaite’s approximation is used for the calculation of the degrees of freedom.