Fig. 2. DEED’s functional synthesizability prediction performance for high-entropy carbides and carbonitrides.
DEED balances the entropy gains with enthalpy costs for forming a single-phase, predicting synthesizability. a,b, Here its superior performance is compared with EFA and VEC for carbides (a) and carbonitrides (b), and
represent systems forming single- and multiphases, respectively. The references for the previous experimental results are listed in Table 1. Our validation experiments presented in this paper are set in bold. The misclassification regions, in grey, encompass all single-phase systems that are on the incorrect side of the single- and/or multiphase threshold (vertical line). c, The XRD spectra for carbonitrides. The five green spectra show single-phase FCC systems, whereas the four red lines reveal extra peaks related to the WC hexagonal phase. d, Microstructures from SEM analysis for the nine compounds and three magnified regions of (HfMoNbTaW)CN showing the lamellar ‘pearlite-like’ microstructures and their principle wavelength λp. a.u., arbitrary units. Scale bar, 10 μm.