Figure 2.
The pathway of neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction may play a significant role in the short-term consequences of early parental deprivation. (a) A volcano plot was generated to visualize the results of the microarray analysis comparing human hand-reared young marmosets to parent-reared young marmosets. In the plot, 425 genes that exhibited upregulation in the human hand-reared marmosets were shown in red color (fold change > 2.0, P < 0.05). On the other hand, 188 genes that displayed downregulation were shown in blue color (fold change < −2.0, P < 0.05). (b) Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) of the neuroactive-ligand receptor interaction pathway enriched in human hand-reared marmosets compared to parent-reared young marmosets. (c) Heat map was visualized neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction pathway genes. HRY hand-reared young marmoset, PRY parent-reared young marmoset, red higher expression, blue lower expression.