Fig. 3. The modified Faradjian-Elber model.
a The modified Faradjian-Elber potential. The star marks the initial position. The dotted and dashed lines mark y = 0 and 25 Å, respectively. b The integrated projection of the potential on the x-axis (blue), and cross sections of the potential at y = 0 and 25 Å (dotted and dashed black lines, respectively). The star marks the initial x-axis value. c Speedups obtained for a bias deposition rate of 104 ns−1 using suboptimal, rotated collective variables (CVs), in Metadynamics (MetaD) simulations with no stochastic resetting (SR) (green squares) and with optimal (opt.) SR (orange triangles). The angle between the CV and the x-axis serves as a measure for the deviation from the optimal CV and is denoted by θ. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.