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. 2023 Oct 12;186(21):4710–4727.e35. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.08.034

Rabbit polyclonal anti-Par3 Merck 07-330; RRID:AB_2101325
Mouse monoclonal anti-aPKC Santa Cruz sc-17837; RRID:AB_2172068
Mouse polyclonal anti-α K40 acetylated tubulin HPA cultures C3B9
Mouse monoclonal anti-PC Roche HPC4
Rabbit polyclonal anti-GST Abcam ab19256; RRID:AB_444809
Rat monoclonal anti-HA Roche 3F10; RRID:AB_2314622
Goat polyclonal anti-rabbit Alexa-555 Thermo A32732; RRID:AB_2633281
Goat polyclonal anti-rabbit Alexa-647 Thermo A21246; RRID:AB_2535814
Goat polyclonal anti-mouse Alexa-647 Thermo A-21235; RRID: AB_2535804
Donkey polyclonal anti-rat Cy3 Jackson ImmunoResearch AB_2340667
Rabbit polyclonal anti-Camsap2 Proteinbiotech 17880-1-AP; RRID:AB_2068826
rabbit polyclonal anti-Kif2A Novus Biologicals NB500-180; RRID:AB_10002348

Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

DMEM + Glutamax Gibco 10566016
Penicillin-Streptomycin Gibco 15140122
DMEM ThermoFisher Scientific 41966
MEM ThermoFisher Scientific 11140035
DMEM F12 ThermoFisher Scientific 21041025
Glutamax ThermoFisher Scientific 35050061
sodium pyruvate ThermoFisher Scientific 11360070
Neurobasal A ThermoFisher Scientific 12348017
B27 ThermoFisher Scientific 10889-038
β -mercaptoethanol ThermoFisher Scientific 31350-010
Hygromycin B Gold InvivoGen Ant-hg-1
puromycin ThermoFisher Scientific A11138-03
Foetal Bovine Serum Gibco 10270106
Donor Bovine Serum Gibco 16030074
Lipofectamine 3000 Invitrogen L3000001
MEK inhibitor Cambridge Stem Cell Institute PD0325901
GSK3 inhibitor Cambridge Stem Cell Institute CHIR99021
Leukaemia Inhibitory Factor Marko Hyvonen’s lab
MycoAlert Mycoplasma Detection kit Lonza LT07-118
Schneider Medium ThermoFisher Scientific 21720024
Insect Express medium Lonza BELN12-730Q
Effectene Qiagen 301425
Pluronic F-68 Gibco 24040032
A(d) Ben-Sasson et al.20 N/A
A(d)-mCherry Ben-Sasson et al.20 N/A
B(c)-GFP Ben-Sasson et al.20 N/A
B(c)-SpyCatcher This study N/A
SpyTag-DLL4 Watson et al.48 N/A
Fibronectin Sigma F1141
GFP protein This study N/A
Fipper-TR Spirochrome SC020
Concanavalin A Sigma L7647-25MG

Experimental model: Cell lines

NiH/3T3 Flp-In cells (3T3 cells) Invitrogen R76107
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG-GFP This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG-Par3(180kD) This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG-Par3(100kD) This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG- Par3(83-1319) This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG- Par3(S824A/S826A) This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG- Par3(S824D/S826D) This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG- Par3(100kD, Δ1-83) This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG- Par3(100kD Δ1-83 Δ728-813) This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG- Par3(100kD G600A/G602A Δ1-83 Δ728-813) This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG- Par6A This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG- Par6B This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG- Par6G This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG- Par6A(K19A) This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG- Par6A(1-121) This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG- Par6A(121-346) This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG- Par6A(247-346) This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG- PAR6A(121-346, LGF169-171AAA) This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG-Jo-Par6A-In This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG- aPKCι This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG- aPKCι(E85A/R91A) This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG- aPKCι(K274W) This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG- aPKCι(A129E) This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG- aPKCι(E85A/R91A/K274W) This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG- aPKCι(E85A/R91A/A129E) This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG- aPKCι(Δ857-862) This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG- mInsc This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing GG- LGN This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing His-PC-GBP-TM-VSVG-Par6A This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing TetOn∗∗ His-PC-GBP-TM-VSVG-mScarlet This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing TetOn∗∗ His-PC-GBP-TM-VSVG-aPKCι This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing TetOn∗∗ His-PC-GBP-TM-VSVG-Par3(180kD) This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing TetOn∗∗ His-PC-GBP-TM-VSVG-Par3(100kD) This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing TetOn∗∗ His-PC-GBP-TM-VSVG-mInsc This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing TetOn∗∗ His-PC-GBP-TM-VSVG-Par3(S824A/S826A) This study N/A
Stable 3T3 cells expressing TetOn∗∗ His-PC-GBP-TM-VSVG-Par3(S824D/S826D) This study N/A
E14 WT Mouse ESCs Jenny Nichols N/A
Drosophila S2 Cells ThermoFisher Scientific R69007
Stable U2OS cells expressing FLAG-Notch1-EGFP Malecki et al.49 N/A

Experimental model: Drosophila Melanogaster stocks

w1118 Bloomington #3605
Neur>Gal4 Bellaïche et al.50 N/A
UAS>mRFP-PonlD Emery et al.51 N/A
Baz-mScarlet knock-in Houssin et al.52 N/A
Jupiter-GFP knock-in Bloomington #6836

Software and algorithms

Fiji Schindelin et al.53
MATLAB 2020b Mathworks
Adobe Premiere 27.3.1 ADOBE
GPU Drift correction Planelles-Herrero et al.10 / GPU_registration
Wavelet “à trous” GPU denoising Planelles-Herrero et al.10 / GPU_wavelet_a_trous
3D array colocalization This study;
CudaDecon Janelia Research Campus
Lsfmtools James Manton and Jérôme Boulanger
LimeSeg Machado et al.54
SymPhoTime 64 2.0 PicoQuant
Metamorph Molecular devices
Napari Ahlers et al.55

Protein structure predictions

Par6A AlphaFold2

GG refers to the tricistronic His-PC-GBP-TM-VSVG-GBP + Flag iRFP670-Jupiter + PC-GFP-[protein of interest]

∗∗ TetOn refers to a bicistronic rtTA3 + Tet promoter driving the given ORF