Figure 4.
Lack of insulin has no impact on human endocrine lineage induction. A) FACS quantification of total PDX1-positive cells at PP1 stage. B) Representative FACS plots and quantification of total PDX1 and NKX6-1 double positive-cells at S4.5. C) FACS quantification of total NGN3+ cells from INSΔ123/Δ123 vs INSCherry/WT SC-islets at S5.5. D) Representative FACS plots and quantification of total NKX2-2+ cells at S5.5. E) qPCR analysis of SC-islets at S5. F) Representative FACS plots of total CHGA cells at endocrine cell induction stage S5.5 from INSΔ123/Δ123 vs INSCherry/WT SC-islets. G) Immunofluorescence pictures showing NGN3 and CHGA-positive cells at S5.5. Scale bar, 80 μm. Data are normalized to INSCherry/WT (C, D). All statistics have been done using two-sided unpaired t-test. Data are represented as mean ± SD.