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. 2014 Mar 7;2014(3):CD009573. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009573.pub2

Kovavisarach 1999.

Methods Study design: randomised controlled trial 
 Object of randomisation: patients
Participants Thailand
 Primary surgeons in 300 caesarean sections in an antenatal clinic
 Number randomised: 300
 Intervention group n = 150; control group n = 150
Interventions Double gloves worn by surgeons in the intervention group (150 glove sets)
 The control group wore single gloves (150 glove pairs)
Outcomes Outcome: the number of perforations per total number of glove pairs
 Measurement: both matching inner‐outer perforations and double‐inner perforations were recorded in the intervention group
 Perforation detection: the gloves were filled with air and then immersed in water and perforations were noted as air bubbles
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Adequate sequence generation Low risk Sealed envelopes, 1 out of 2
Allocation concealment Low risk Randomisation at the time of operation
Blinding of study subjects Low risk Knowledge about the gloving method judged as low risk of changing the outcome
Blinding of outcome assessor High risk Bags with gloves were labelled with method and other information
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) Unclear risk Not reported
Selective outcome reporting (reporting bias) Low risk Glove perforation rates
Outcome measure (combined air and water test used?) High risk Air test only, filling with air and immersing in water