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. 2023 Nov 25;44(1):129–143. doi: 10.1007/s00296-023-05487-z

Table 5.

ICF Core Sets categories in the component “Activities and Participation” and their overlap with the ICF categories derived from PSC activities in people with RA or axSpA and severe functional disability

ICF category RA
(N = 206)
ICF Core Sets RA axSpA
(N = 155)
ICF Core Sets AS
d170 Writing *
d230 Carrying out daily routine ** **
d240 Handling stress and other psychological demands *
d345 Writing messages  +   + 
d360 Using communication devices and techniques  +  *  + 
d410 Changing basic body position  +  **  +  **
d415 Maintaining a body position  +  *  +  *
d430 Lifting and carrying objects  +  *  +  *
d435 Moving objects with lower extremities  + 
d440 Fine hand use  +  **  + 
d445 Hand and arm use  +  **  + 
d449 Carrying, moving, and handling objects, other specified and unspecified *
d450 Walking  +  **  +  **
d451 Stair climbing  +   + 
d455 Moving around  +  *  +  *
d460 Moving around in different locations  +  *  + 
d465 Moving around using equipment *
d470 Using transportation * *
d475 Driving  +  *  +  **
d510 Washing oneself  +  *  +  *
d520 Caring for body parts  +  *  +  *
d530 Toileting  +  *  +  *
d540 Dressing  +  *  +  *
d550 Eating  +  *
d560 Drinking *
d570 Looking after one’s health * *
d620 Acquisition of goods and services  +  *  +  *
d630 Preparing meals  +  *  + 
d640 Doing housework  +  *  +  *
d650 Caring for household objects  +   + 
d660 Assisting others  +  *  +  *
d760 Family relationships * **
d770 Intimate relationships * *
d845 Acquiring, keeping, and terminating a job **
d850 Remunerative employment ** **
d859 Work and employment, other specified and unspecified  +  *  + 
d870 Economic self-sufficiency *
d910 Community life * *
d920 Recreation and leisure  +  *  +  **
ICF Categories in Comprehensive ICF Core Set 32 24
Total number of second-level ICF categories 25 23
Overlapping ICF categories with Comprehensive Core Set 21 14
ICF categories in Brief ICF Core Set 6 8
Overlapping ICF categories with Brief Core Set 4 4

AS ankylosing spondylitis; axSpA axial spondyloarthritis; ICF International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health; RA rheumatoid arthritis

 − Not included in our study population

 + Included in our study population

*Included in the Comprehensive Core Set

**Included in the Brief and Comprehensive Core Set