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. 2024 Jan 4;7(1):e2350379. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.50379

Table 1. Characteristics of Study Samplesa.

Characteristic Dataset
Description EHR data from 8 pediatric academic medical centers Commercial health plan enrollment and claims data from 14 health plans Medicaid enrollment and claims data from 44 states, Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico
Annual sample size
2011 493 628 5 439 618 NA
2012 513 134 5 140 695 NA
2013 540 719 5 010 522 NA
2014 606 361 5 200 574 NA
2015 666 781 5 171 149 NA
2016 712 578 5 277 759 36 623 431
2017 740 059 5 346 699 35 879 612
2018 772 591 5 150 067 35 655 637
2019 815 555 5 137 756 34 824 449
2020 820 679 5 110 555 NA
2021 858 551 4 998 694 NA
Age in calendar year 2019, y
<1 125 573 (15.4) 294 986 (5.7) 1 823 887 (5.2)
1-4 179 600 (22.0) 779 358 (15.2) 7 320 077 (21.0)
5-11 287 541 (35.3) 1 577 204 (30.7) 12 672 766 (36.4)
12-17 199 186 (24.4) 1 592 128 (31.0) 9 663 000 (27.7)
18-20 23 655 (2.9) 894 080 (17.4) 3 766 164 (10.8)
Boys 800 313 (49.0) 2 514 031 (48.9) 17 660 985 (50.7)
Girls 833 983 (51.0) 2 623 725 (51.1) 17 155 063 (49.3)
Race and ethnicityb
Asian or Pacific Islander 92 452 (6.4) NA 1 018 738 (3.9)
Hispanic 221 794 (15.4) NA 6 800 616 (26.2)
Non-Hispanic Black 427 375 (29.7) NA 6 760 286 (26.1)
Non-Hispanic White 647 626 (44.9) NA 11 198 938 (43.2)
Multiracial 51 959 (3.6) NA 137 409 (0.5)
Payer in 2019c
Commercial 343 507 (55.5) 5 137 756 (100) 0
Public 268 479 (43.4) 0 32 545 218 (100)
Self-pay 7016 (1.1) 0 0

Abbreviations: EHR, electronic health record; HIRD, Healthcare Integrated Research Database; NA, not applicable; T-MSIS, Transformed Medicaid Statistical Information System.


Unless otherwise indicated, data are expressed as No. (%) of patients.


A total of 193 090 patients (11.8% of total) in the PEDSnet sample and 8 908 462 (25.6% of total) in the T-MSIS sample had missing race and ethnicity data. These patients were excluded from the race and ethnicity distributions.


A total of 196 553 patients (24.1% of total) in the PEDSnet sample had unknown payer data in 2019. These patients were excluded from the payer distribution.