PubMed |
36 100 644 |
scientific and medical abstracts/citations |
PubMed Central |
9 268 952 |
full-text journal articles |
NLM Catalog |
1 634 653 |
index of NLM collections |
Bookshelf |
983 634 |
books and reports |
MeSH |
353 699 |
ontology used for PubMed indexing |
Nucleotide |
605 293 217 |
DNA and RNA sequences from GenBank and RefSeq |
BioSample |
34 796 756 |
descriptions of biological source materials |
28 858 671 |
high-throughput DNA/RNA sequence read archive |
Taxonomy |
2 653 432 |
taxonomic classification and nomenclature catalog |
Assembly |
1 782 091 |
genome assembly information |
BioProject |
712 423 |
biological projects providing data to NCBI |
Genome |
79 671 |
genome sequencing projects by organism |
BioCollections |
8497 |
museum, herbaria, and biorepository collections |
GEO Profiles |
128 414 055 |
gene expression and molecular abundance profiles |
Gene |
47 059 151 |
collected information about gene loci |
GEO DataSets |
6 874 686 |
functional genomics studies |
PopSet |
404 340 |
sequence sets from phylogenetic/population studies |
HomoloGene |
141 268 |
homologous gene sets for selected organisms |
Protein |
1 194 803 871 |
protein sequences from GenBank and RefSeq |
Identical Protein Groups |
629 076 260 |
protein sequences grouped by identity |
Protein Clusters |
1 137 329 |
sequence similarity-based protein clusters |
Structure |
208 741 |
experimentally-determined biomolecular structures |
Protein Family Models |
166 131 |
conserved domain architectures, HMMs, and BlastRules |
Conserved Domains |
64 234 |
conserved protein domains |
PubChem Substance |
307 634 967 |
deposited substance and chemical information |
PubChem Compound |
115 669 131 |
chemical information with structures, information, and links |
PubChem BioAssay |
1 626 630 |
bioactivity screening studies |
PubChem Pathways |
240 671 |
molecular pathways with links to genes, proteins and chemicals |
Clinical Genetics
dbSNP |
1 121 739 543 |
short genetic variations |
dbVar |
7 749 330 |
genome structural variation studies |
ClinVar |
2 339 222 |
human variations of clinical significance | |
463 200 |
registry of clinical studies |
MedGen |
216 373 |
medical genetics literature and links |
81 209 |
genetic testing registry |
dbGaP |
1406 |
genotype/phenotype interaction studies |