Fig. 1.
Genome organisation of virus YSH_150918. Arrows depict open reading frames indicating the direction of transcription. Abbreviations: SF1, superfamily 1; TFB, transcription factor B; RFC-S, replication factor C, small subunit; PCNA, proliferating cell nuclear antigen/DNA polymerase sliding clamp; PolB-NTD/CTD, family B DNA polymerase, N-/C-terminal domain; endo, endonuclease; MCM, minichromosome maintenance; exo, exonuclease; TAC, tail assembly chaperone; MCP, major capsid protein; TerS/TerL, small/large subunit of the terminase; HsdS, type I restriction modification system specificity (S) subunit; HMG-CoA, β-Hydroxy β-methylglutaryl-CoA.