Figure 2. Egr1 overexpression induces sex-specific gene expression changes in vHIP neurons.
a. RNA-sequencing was performed on neuronal (NeuN+) nuclei purified from the vHIP of males and OVX females injected with either Egr1 or eGFP AAVs. b. >1,000 genes show changes in gene expression in females and males (Padj<0.05, Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple testing); c. Only 37.3% (785/2104) of DEGs are shared between the sexes; d. GSEA analysis shows sex-specific terms including Behavioral Fear Response; Enrichment Map depicts nodes representing terms/pathways enriched in one or more gene list (denoted by node colour), while edges represent genes shared between pathways. e. Female-specific genes are enriched for synaptic function-related GO terms; Dot plot colours indicate p-values and dot size corresponds to the number of overlapping genes between the list and the term/pathway (Count); the x-axis corresponds to the ratio of genes in the input list to genes in the term/pathway (GeneRatio). f. Sex-specific DEGs include genes implicated in anxiety- and depression-related behaviours (Atp1a2, Ppp3r1, Npsr1) RNA-seq data for individual genes is shown using normalized count plots (n=3 biological replicates/group/sex). Box plots (box, 1st-3rd quartile; horizontal line, median; whiskers, 1.5xIQR); *, P<0.05; **, P<0.01; NS, non-significant; Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple testing.