Fig. 1.
Statistics for genomic information from 21 chicken breeds/lines. (A) The geographic distribution of 21 chicken breeds/lines. (B) The number and ratio of known and novel SNPs in each chromosome of purebred broiler Line B. (C) SNP number of global genome in representative chickens of purebred broiler, local chicken and GGS. The result for other breeds was presented in Figure S1. The black horizontal line indicates the ten million SNPs. (D) Genomic nucleotide diversity in representative breeds of purebred broiler, local chicken and GGS. The result for other breeds was presented in Figure S2. The black horizontal line indicates π = 3.8 × 10-3, the highest level for the breeds in purebred broilers cluster. BRp: broiler paternal line, BJY: Beijing You chicken, CH: Chahua chicken, DWS: Daweishan mini chicken, GGS: Gallus gallus spadiceus, HBM: Huaibei Ma chicken, HT: Hetian chicken, HX: Huxu chicken, JH: Jianghan chicken, JXY: Jingxing Yellow chicken, ND: Ningdu chicken, PC: Piao chicken, SH: Sanhuang chicken, TBC: Tibetan chicken, WC: Wenchang chicken, WD: Wuding chicken, XH: Xianghuang chicken, YB: Yuanbao chicken, ZY: Zhengyang chicken. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)