Transcriptomic atlas of putative selected genes (PSGs) in purebred broiler Line B and local breed BJY chicken. (A) Strategy for DEGs detection from 163 PSGs in six tissues of two breeds. (B) Differential expression profile for 163 PSGs, color indicated the expression fold change in log2 scale, * indicated P < 0.05, ** indicated P < 0.01. The number below the tissues was the DEGs between two chicken breeds. (C) Expression pattern of the tissue-specific genes (TSGs), color indicated the expression fold change in log2 scale, * indicates that the genes were significantly expressed between two breeds in corresponding tissues, including MYH1B, MYH1C, and MYH1G in breast muscle, COL6A2 and BTBD11 in liver. (D) Functional modules detection based on step-by-step method. Each major branch represented a color-coded module that contains a set of highly connected genes. (E) Heatmap between 20 modules and 6 tissues. Pearson correlation coefficients and their associated P values were presented at each box. Red and green indicated that the given tissue had a strong positive and negative correlation relative to all other tissues, respectively. (F) GO enrichment results based on the genes in breast muscle-related modules, the above and below bars represented the GO terms enriched by genes from darkgreen and darkturquoise modules, respectively. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)