Figure 1.
In the intestinal epithelium of C. elegans, conventional secretion cargoes are trafficked along the ER-ERGIC-Golgi pathway, while leaderless cargoes, such as PGP-1, are secreted through unconventional secretion pathways. SMGL-1, which is resident on the ERGIC, activates RAB-8, facilitating its recruitment to the endosome. Subsequently, RAB-8 interacts with the Q-SNARE VIT-1. Additionally, PGP-1 is secreted from the ERGIC and the vesicles containing PGP-1 may form secretory autophagosomes. RAB-11 recruits RABI-8 to attenuate RAB-8 activity by reducing SMGL-1 self-oligomerization. Ultimately, RAB-11–positive endosomes fuse with the plasma membrane, facilitating the transport of PGP-1 to the apical membrane.