Figure 2.
Age distribution of participants across studies and types of tasks applied to them. (a) Mean (dot) and standard deviation (error bar) of the chronological age (CA) of participants in months is represented on the X-axis (red = ASD; blue = TD; green = neurodevelopmental disorders not including ASD). Y-axis lists the included studies (in the order presented in Table 1). Most studies used CA-matched samples, except for Hetzroni et al. (2019) in which the other NDD group was significantly older as a result of being developmentally age-matched to the ASD and TD groups. Some studies reported the range of one or more participant groups instead of the mean and SD. In those cases, the range was represented as a horizontal line (e.g. Zhao et al., 2020; 10th row) using the same colour scheme. (b) Box plot demonstrating the age group to which different types of tasks were applied. The vertical line within the box represents the median age of participants to which the tasks were administered. The whiskers represent the 25th and 75th percentiles of participant age, respectively.