(A) Growth rates of L. monocytogenes and levels of expression of hly-gus on different sugars. Strain AML73 was grown in LB medium buffered with 100 mM MOPS (pH 7.4), and doubling times and β-glucuronidase activity were measured in the presence of the indicated sugars (each, 25 mM). The data represent the means of either two (β-glucuronidase activity; each experiment was done in triplicate) or three (doubling times and final cell densities) separate experiments. Standard deviations were less than 10% in all cases. Glc, glucose; Fru, fructose; Cel, cellobiose; Tre, trehalose; Mal, maltose; Suc, sucrose; Gal, galactose. (B) hly-gus expression in JB153 (ccpA::pCON1) and AML73 (wild type). Sugars were added (each at a concentration of 25 mM) to LB medium buffered with 100 mM MOPS (pH 7.4), and β-glucuronidase activity was measured 2 h into stationary phase. Data represent means ± standard errors of the means of three independent experiments. LB, LB medium; Glc, glucose; Cel, cellobiose.