Enrichment of siRNA chemistries in different retinal cell types
(A) Cross-section showing efficient distribution of monomer siRNA labeled with Cy3 across entire retinal cross-section. Image shown in grayscale to better visualize the Cy3 signal. (B) Western blot quantifications with cell type–specific antibodies from protein extracts of FACS cells that were Cy3+. The y axis shows relative enrichment in percentage when compared to total protein extracts from an uninjected retina. Antibodies: rhodopsin (rod PR cells), CA (cone PR cells), GS (Müller glia cells), Lim1 (mainly horizontal cells), PKCα (mainly rod bipolar cells), VGAT (amacrine cells, horizontal cells), and VGLUT2 (ganglion cells). A multiple t test was performed to determine significance with uninjected total retinal extracts. N = 3 samples; error bars: SD. ∗p < 0.05; ∗∗p < 0.01; ∗∗∗p < 0.001; ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001.