Illustration of the postprandial protein handling
Illustration of study results. Following protein ingestion, exogenous-protein-derived amino acids are released into the circulation, resulting in increased plasma amino acid concentrations. Subsequently, amino acids are taken up by tissues, resulting in an increase in whole-body protein synthesis and net balance, with negligible impact on amino acid oxidation. Protein ingestion does not expand the muscle free amino acid pool but stimulates (de novo) muscle protein synthesis rates. Postprandial myocellular protein signaling and gene expression become dissociated from the sustained postprandial increase in muscle protein synthesis rates. The magnitude and duration of the metabolic responses are proportional to the ingested amount of protein.
Arrows are based on the statistical significance of the current study with n = 12 biological replicates for all measurements with the exception of the real-time qPCR data, which were n = 8 or 9.