(A) The R388 T4SS determined by negative stain (NS) EM (EMD2567). (B) The R388 T4SS determined by single particle analysis (SPA) cryo-EM (EMD 13767, EMD13765). (C) The pKM101 T4SS determined by cryo-ET (ET) (EMD24100, EMD24098) (D) The Dot/Icm T4SS determined by cryo-ET (EMD7611, EMD7612). (E) The Cag T4SS determined by cryoET (EMD0634, EMD0635). In each reconstruction, the outer membrane core complex and periplasmic ring if applicable are shown in blue, the inner membrane complex including the arches or wings if applicable in orange, the stalk or cylinder connecting the outer membrane and inner membrane regions in green, and, if included, membrane density is shown as a transparent region with black outline.