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. 2024 Jan 4;13(1):e002501. doi: 10.1136/bmjoq-2023-002501

Table 1.

CPES-IC questions aligned with person-centred quality indicators (PC-QIs)

PC-QI theme PC-QI Related CPES-IC question
Overall quality of experience O1. Overall experience O1. Using any number from 0 to 10, where 0 is the worst hospital possible and 10 is the best hospital possible, what number would you use to rate this hospital during your stay?
O2. Cost of care – affordability n/a
G1. Global indicator – friends and family test G1. Would you recommend this hospital to your friends and family?
Structural indicators of PCC S1. Policy on person-centred care n/a
S2. Educational programmes on person-centred care n/a
S3. Culturally competent care n/a
S4. Providing an accommodating and supportive person-centred care environment n/a
S5. Co-designing care in partnership with communities n/a
S6. Health information technology to support person-centred care n/a
S7. Structures to report person-centred care performance n/a
Equitable access and treatment P1. Compassionate care n/a
P2. Equitable treatment n/a
P3. Trusting relationship with healthcare provider n/a
P4. Assessing interpreter services n/a
Communication with healthcare professionals P5. Communication with healthcare system n/a
P6. Communication between patient and healthcare provider – nurse P6. During this hospital stay, how often did nurses treat you with courtesy and respect?
P6. During this hospital stay, how often did nurses listen carefully to you?
P6. During this hospital stay, how often did nurses explain things in a way you could understand?
P7. Communication between patient and healthcare provider – physician P7. During this hospital stay, how often did doctors treat you with courtesy and respect?
P7. During this hospital stay, how often did doctors listen carefully to you?
P7. During this hospital stay, how often did doctors explain things in a way you could understand?
Education, engagement, coordination and access P8. Information about taking medication P8. During this hospital stay, did you get all the information you needed about your condition and treatment?
P8. Before you left the hospital, did you have a clear understanding about all of your prescribed medications, including those you were taking before your hospital stay?’
P9. Communicating test results P9. How often were tests and procedures done when you were told they would be done?
P10. Coordination of care P10. Did you feel that there was good communication about your care between doctors, nurses and other hospital staff?
P10. How often did doctors, nurses and other hospital staff seem informed and up-to-date about your hospital care?
P10. Was your transfer from the emergency department into a hospital bed organised?
P10. Was your admission into the hospital organised?
P11. Patient involvement in decisions about their care and treatment P11. Were you involved as much as you wanted to be in decisions about your care and treatment during this hospital stay?
P11. Were your family or friends involved as much as you wanted in decisions about your care and treatment?
P12. Engaging patients in managing their own health n/a
P13. Timely access to a primary care provider n/a
P14. Patient preparation for a planned treatment programme n/a
P15. Transition planning P15. Did you receive enough information from hospital staff about what to do if you were worried about your condition or treatment after you left the hospital?
P15. During this hospital stay, did doctors, nurses or other hospital staff talk with you about whether you would have the help you needed when you left the hospital?
P15. When you left the hospital, did you have a better understanding of your condition than when you entered?
P15. During this hospital stay, did you get information in writing about what symptoms or health problems to look out for after you left the hospital?
P16. Using patient-reported outcome measures to deliver patient-centred care n/a

CPES-IC, Canadian Patient Experiences Survey - Inpatient Care ; PCC, Person-centred care.